Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Where do you currently live? * Who is your current employer(s) as of today and are you employed with them full-time or part-time (or not employed currently)? * Please include the profile/page browser link(s) for your top Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube pages. * What city/state is most on your heart if you were to be a Lead Pastor with Pursuit Nation? Is there an alternate location or two that you are considering? * How would you personally describe the Gospel in a sentence or two? * Over the last 6 months, how many days (on average) have you read/listened to the Bible each week? * 0-1 Days Per Week 2-3 Days Per Week 4-5 Days Per Week 6 Days Per Week (I rarely Miss Reading) Usually 7 Days Per Week (Almost Never Miss A Day) We ask each Lead Pastor uses the NKJV as the primary translation they preach from (you're welcome to quote/reference other good translations as well). Would you personally preach most often from NKJV be a problem? * Do you believe that God approves of sexually intimacy within a relationship between two people of the same gender who have been legally married? Please exlain * Have you ever been arrested or legaly incarcerated in some way? * Yes No What are the three most influential churches you personally follow that we may heard of? * What are the three most influential pastors/preachers you personally enjoy that we may have heard of? * Could you please share a link to a teaching/preaching video message you shared recently (YouTube, Vimeo, etc...). * Please briefly describe the worst hurt you've personally had that came from an authority figure in your life. * When you get into a season where you're not leading yourself well, what are the symptoms you notice first? * Are you aware that plantng is a long-term commitment on the part of our ministry to that local community? A small stack of legal agreements will be required for you to sign ahead of time such as a full non-compete for the Lead Pastor (30 miles radius), all property & finances regardless of how they were attained are owned by Pursuit Nation INC. long term. Are you prepared to commit to honor these agreements with integrity? * What has to change in you for you to lead at a higher level? * What 3 things would you need to improve most to preach more effectively? * What would one of your worst critic(s) say is a reason you are not ready for this position and how would you respond to that comment? * In the last 12 months, what percentage of your total income do you believe you have given to God through the local church? * What level of debt do you have personally (for example, a car payment, mortgage, and $10,000 credit card debt)? Church planting is more difficult for a family with lots of debt. If that's you, please describe your plan for your family's financial provision over the next two or three years. * When you are not doing ministry/church work or spending time with family, what are the top 5 things (in order) that you've put time into in the past year? * What have been the most successful or enjoyable "side hustles" or business ventures you've dabbled in before? * In the past year, how often have you drunk alcohol (if so, what extent)? * Have you ever been separated from your spouse, and if so, how long ago? Please explain * Is there anything hidden in your past that you should disclose now? * What are 3-5 of the top life accomplishment that you feel really good about at this point in your life? * Please briefly describe your dream scenario in life and ministry 10-15 years from now? * What are 2-3 ministry-related accomplishments you haven't yet achieved that you have considered pursuing in the long-term future? * Thank you!